
As the American economy collapses, and Bush goes on TV to convince the people that giving $700bn to the banks that lost their money in the first place, is a good idea, Johnny and Barry are arguing over what to do next.
McCain is trying to take a lead on the issue and has called for a break in campaigning until the bill is passed by the Senate. The idea being that, if he looks like he is putting the country first, then the fact that he's tied to the administration who've partly created this disaster will be forgotten.
But this has put Friday's debate on foreign policy in doubt.
Unsurprisingly, Obama is calling McCain a big girl and suggesting that the crisis is even more reason to have it out in front of millions of Americans. But then he would, because the people of America think he'd do a better job at sorting it all out.
There's been calls of 'smart move' and 'stunt' in response to John McCain's decision.
But, whatever it is, it won't fix the economy.
So regardless of whether the debate does go ahead, expect the issue of the economy to grow and grow until it has bored the living fiscal deposit out of you... so, now we wallow in the misery of the US and watch as their mistakes undermine our crumbling economy even further.
Mind you, at least there's talk of actual issues rather than pigs in lipstick. At last!
Here's a pretty sound assessment of McCain's tactics from
Video from and

As the American economy collapses, and Bush goes on TV to convince the people that giving $700bn to the banks that lost their money in the first place, is a good idea, Johnny and Barry are arguing over what to do next.
McCain is trying to take a lead on the issue and has called for a break in campaigning until the bill is passed by the Senate. The idea being that, if he looks like he is putting the country first, then the fact that he's tied to the administration who've partly created this disaster will be forgotten.
But this has put Friday's debate on foreign policy in doubt.
Unsurprisingly, Obama is calling McCain a big girl and suggesting that the crisis is even more reason to have it out in front of millions of Americans. But then he would, because the people of America think he'd do a better job at sorting it all out.
There's been calls of 'smart move' and 'stunt' in response to John McCain's decision.
But, whatever it is, it won't fix the economy.
So regardless of whether the debate does go ahead, expect the issue of the economy to grow and grow until it has bored the living fiscal deposit out of you... so, now we wallow in the misery of the US and watch as their mistakes undermine our crumbling economy even further.
Mind you, at least there's talk of actual issues rather than pigs in lipstick. At last!
Here's a pretty sound assessment of McCain's tactics from
Video from and
1 comment:
not surprised mccain wants to delay the debate...remember how much the kennedy and nixon televised debate changed that election in the 60's !
It was later reported that those who listened to the debate on the radio thought that Nixon had won by a clear margin but the majority of the American public who watched the televised version thought it was Kennedy who was the clear winner. The public responded to young vibrant well groomed, clean shaving (with the slick combover hairdoo) Kennedy who came off better on camera and seemed more in touch. Not to the older disgruntled nixon with his five oclock shadow and dogy suit who clearly looked uncomfortable in front of the camera...
hmmm... old and disgruntled...slick and in touch...remind you off two modern day candidates perhaps?! i know people will say this time it's different because obama is black and will play the race card, this undoubtedly is a factor...but remember back then the thought of an Irish catholic kennedy in the white house was highly controversial!
If the two candidates convention speeches are anything to go by...I think it's pretty clear who has the Nixon gene and who has inherit
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