Monday, September 29, 2008

Shiny, Happy, People

I've been told to write a blog entry - Luke is small and oddly proportioned, (his legs are shorter than his upper body,) but he is a scary man so I told him I'd write it, 'straight away Sir, sorry Sir!'

I wasn't sure what to look at - Luke has commented on the importance of cash in the elections and the impact of neo-liberal financial policy as a contributing factor to the current credit collapse. So ,I thought it was my turn to do some hard-hitting journalism - I chose 'Biggest election nutters!'

Yep, I was going to get some side-splittingly, pant-wettingly funny videos of people crying over how much they love Obama, or waving flags with McCain's face on whilst singing 'Born in the USA'.

So I started by looking at some partisan blogs. And that was the mistake.

I've never read so much bullsh*t in my life; so much hatred, so much rage aimed at two people, connected only by their desire to lead.

For Obama it's the claims of his Islamic heritage making him a Muslim, and some bizarre references to his desire to fund dictatorships in the middle-east via the UN.

On more than one blog I also found references to Obama's gay bashing record and his rejection of gay marriage as proof that he's a homophobe; On right-leaning websites! The mind-boggles.

But, whilst Republican attack politics of Karl Rove and his lapdogs has seemingly spread to the blogosphere, the Democrats have responded in kind.

McCain is a Bush clone, uses his war stories too much, and Palin is an affair loving, hypocritic Nazi in disguise, hell bent on banning books.

Hours after Librarygate had been reported, a fake book list appeared on the net. This was devoured by bloggers and the media alike and apparently found its way on to Obama's website for a few brief hours.

The blogs themselves rarely, if ever, refer to direct sources. They are usually second-hand accounts, selected quotations or fabricated reports. And they're usually riddled with partisan comment, tacked on to the end to drive the knife home.

Some is ironic humour - us Brits get it, we're good at it - but a lot is just shoddy journalism. Most of the time, blogs are either made-up or lazy: It's like the the worst aspects of tabloid sleaze mated with the excess of political propaganda and produced an oozing lump of bile and distortion. And, worst of all, the media loves them.

Come January, whoever the winning candidate, Americans will be asked to come together, to put aside petty partisanship and unite under the star-spangled banner.

Good luck. The hatred of some of these inexplicably respected bloggers, makes me think there's just more partisan segregation in store. And good luck to the new man in charge, they'll be telling more lies than you do!

I really wish I'd found a funny video now...

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