Sunday, November 2, 2008

The moment some of you have been waiting for...

Kieron and Luke

Our work is ready to show. We're kind of pleased with it, and according to Current it will be on TV at somepoint - we haven't been able to get any scheduling information out of them yet.

But until I get some times, watch the videos below or, (even better,) go to and watch the videos there. Leave a positive comment or two if you'd like.


Anonymous said...

I've commented on the current site, but just wanted to say you've both done a great job- both of these were really interesting and watchable, good script, well edited and good choice of music. I'm sure to you there are lots of things you might change/do differently but as a viewer I really enjoyed them both and you should be proud!! Have a great last week x

Anonymous said...

Great films you guys interesting perspective with a touch of humour. Keep it up