Wednesday, October 8, 2008

5 reasons for sleep.


Well, like thousands of other idiots across the UK, I stayed up until 4am to watch another debate...and immediately regretted not catching the highlights like most normal people.

Overall, it was unsurprising; which means Obama won. McCain needed something big to kick-start a campaign that's been losing ground all week. He just didn't offer anything new.

According to this CBS poll, Obama won anyway. And the BBC gave it to Obama too. Others have said it was a draw, which all equals a victory for Barry.

5 things I wished I'd slept through...

1. John McCain wanting to be everybody's friend:
Well tough. Just because you say it, A LOT, doesn't mean I want to be your friend.

21 times! Ditch the phrase my friend.

2. Barrack Obama talking to voters like their University lecturer:
He might be cool as ice but he's as rigid as a post as a result and it makes him look awkward and patronising at times.

3. A moderator actually moderating. But doing it like a Gestapo officer:
OK, they've got a minute to answer, but stop worrying about the time and make sure they answer the BLOODY QUESTION. Who cares if they take an extra 30 seconds to do it?

4. A complete lack of debate:
Call me old fashioned but just repeating the same campaign slogans over and over again isn't really debating. It's just pointing out your campaign strategy isn't it?

McCain: 'Blah Blah Stats and inaccurate figures about Obama. I'm bi-partisan, experienced and my record speaks for itself.'

Moderator: 'Mr Obama, the same question to you...'

Obama: 'Blah blah stats and misleading figures about McCain. I'm all about change, McCain is out of touch and is Bush in disguise.'

5. People Power being neutralised:
The Town Hall format is great. It allows real people to raise awkward topics that are worrying them. Albeit in a horribly sterilised and controlled way, but it is a glimpse into the country's psyche nonetheless. But if they can't follow their questions up, or the candidates go off topic, the system is a bit pointless.

In Conclusion:
We're very lucky to have Question Time over here. And it's not on at 3am.

Now that's some angry debate. Mmmm. Enjoy.

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