Yeah.... um, sorry about that, I've been busy the last few days but Kieron has been waving the flag for both us, and a sterling job he has done!
At a time when the economy is dominating the headlines, I thought I’d take a look at other massive issues in American politics that don’t seem to be getting coverage over here.
It’s hard to address many of the social issues facing America today without being labelled a ‘Lefty’ but sod it, life’s too short.
There’s been a lot of focus on Wall Street recently but financial problems have persisted in the US for years… and they exist well away from the glamour of the stock exchange.
Social inequality persists, learn about it here. (By the way, the New York Times is the future of online journalism)
These brain boxes did a study on how wealthy families are and how their income affects the likelihood of them casting a vote on election day.
DISCLAIMER: Below is the most insulting and ignorant simplification of the findings of an Academic study EVER written, but as over simplistic as it maybe, this is basically what it took them 29 PAGES to say...

Take it with a pinch of salt of course, it’s long and complex. Basically, using loads of graphs and shit, they decided that the poorer you were, the less likely you were to vote.
It’s one of those ways that academics justify their own existence by taking everyday life and explaining it in terms that no one can understand. But they’ve got a point.
So, if the findings of the study really do reflect reality, wouldn’t it be fair to assume that the Democrats should, in theory, have the capacity to annihilate the Republicans in each election that takes place? The presidential elections are close enough as it is.
It seems there is a sleeping giant in America.
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