It's been raining all weekend, the skies are grey and dull, and after an uninspiring VP debate last Thursday, I was worried the excitement of last week was getting washed away in the rain.
It's hard to top the sheer insanity of it all really; to have $700bn spent on a failing economy is unprecedented really. So, what to look forward to this week?
Ah ha! We do have another debate on Tuesday... only this one might actually be good.
The Palin/Biden affair...(sorry, the idea of those two having an affair has made me feel queasy)...was tame. Neither won it, Palin averted a crisis by not showing herself as an inexperienced gaffe-machine, and Biden avoided crisis by not showing himself as an experienced gaffe-machine.
Most polls handed a win to Biden but I think that's as much to do with the fact that every poll shows the Democrats in charge of the election at the moment. So much so, that they might have a huge majority in the Senate and a President if they're not careful. (Don't worry, there's still time for them to lose it.)
McCain pulled out of Michigan on Friday, and NBC pundit Chuck Todd, (what a great name,) thinks Obama is one state away from winning the title.
So, what's a McCain to do?
Set his Pitbull loose of course! Palin has suggested that Obama is friends with terrorists. William Ayers to be exact; an anti-Vietnam activist who carried out attacks on the Pentagon amongst other iconic buildings in the 60s. Basically, Obama has met the man and has sat on some charity boards with the guy. Ayers hasn't engaged in 'terrorist' activity since Obama was 8 years old.
CNN has set it's fact-checker team out and found it false.
In response, Obama says McCain is running scared and won't talk about the real issue - the economy.
Well, duh! Of course he's running scared. He's losing. The problem for the Democrats is that the Republicans don't like losing. So they'll attack, attack and attack again. It's what they do best.
I'm just not sure how it'll be received by swing voters...and they're the key at this Tuesday's debate. Because, they'll be asking questions too! It should make for a more testing environment than the journalist hosts have managed so far.
Well, it'll be more entertaining than a rainy Sunday at least. Bring on the bitch-slappin'
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